Dahlia Tuber FAQs

  • Do you have any dahlia sale info?

    One hour before my sale starts the website will be closed so I can update all quantities. Please make sure you have your wishlist ready before then! Your cart will not be confirmed until you checkout so things may disappear from your cart. Please don’t be upset, it happens every year and my rarer tubers usually sell out in seconds. Unfortunately there’s just not enough to go around.

  • Why cant I select Farm Pickup?

    If you’d like to pickup your tubers from my farm located in Baranduda, VIC-just send me an email with your order number and bank details to violetgrangeflowerfarm@gmail.com and I will refund your shipping fee minus $5. Unfortunately the default shipping price is always the lowest meaning in 2023 when I had my dahlia sale, 99% of orders automatically processed with Farm Pickup and people didnt pay postage. Sadly, i dont have the time to chase up unpaid fees going forward. The $5 fee covers the packaging materials, handling time and the website transaction fee.

  • Can I combine future orders?

    Yes, if youd like to combine future orders, I charge a $5 fee. If you email me at violetgrangeflowerfarm@gmail.com with your order number and bank details I will refund your shipping minus the $5 fee.

  • What options for payment are there?

    Upon checkout you can pay with credit card, AfterPay or ApplePay.

  • When will my tubers be posted?

    Tubers will be sent in Sept/Oct.

  • I've received my tubers, can I leave them in their bags?

    No, remove them straight away and place them in your storage medium. I use dry-semi dry potting mix however other areas have better storage success with vermiculite, sawdust, wood shavings, cling wrap etc. you have to find what works best in your area. Unfortunately we cant take responcibility for storage failures once tubers have been received so please get in touch within three days of arrival if you are not happy with your tubers. Tubers should never feel mushy or spongey.

  • I can't see an eye?

    Rest assured all tubers we send out have been triple checked for an eye. Sometimes it can look as though the tuber doesn’t have an eye when in fact it does, they can be the tiniest little bumps. If you are unhappy with your tubers please get in touch within three days.

  • My tubers look ugly!

    Don’t worry! Ugly tubers will produce just as nice a plant as those ‘perfect’ looking tubers. As long as there is an eye, an intact neck, and a body-they’re perfect! Tubers come in all shapes and sizes and often have bits chopped off them so they keep better in storage. As long as they’re the size of a AA battery or larger, they’re good.

  • When do I plant them?

    Subtropical climates: plant late August to late December

    Warm and temperate climates: after the last frost, usually October/early November to late December.

  • How do I plant them?

    10cm deep, laying horizontally. Dahlias like full sun but can tolerate afternoon shade, well draining soil and around 60cm apart. I plant mine 40cm apart however this can be a bit close for some varieties. Most dahlias need staking.

    Dahlias are heavy feeders and like well rotted manure, leaf mould and compost. You can use fertilisers such as Charlie Carp, Rooster Booster and Dynamic Lifter then when they start to bloom -Bloom Boost.

  • Why are their limits on some varieties?

    There are some varieties that are harder to find than others and I like to be able to share them around. If you order more than one per household of these varieties- your order will be refunded and cancelled.

  • Why didn't my tuber grow?

    The most common reason tubers don’t grow is due to rot from overwatering, which sellers cannot take responsibility for. Tubers can be sensitive to wet conditions before they have an established root system, so especially if you are growing them in pots you should be careful to not overwater.